Jake was on the fortunate receiving end of a sucker punch to the mouth. His right central incisor was broken off badly. A root canal had to be done but we then built it up for him in one simple visit with direct composite bonding.
Renee chipped her 2 front teeth in a bad fall while ice skating. This is a good situation for a very conservative repair with some directly bonded composite. This is done in one short visit, and the result will likely last for several years.
Natalie didn’t like the size, shape or color of her front teeth, but age 14 was too young for porcelain veneers. Instead we did composite bonding on her six front teeth.
Sheila had chipped off her front tooth and had it previously repaired, but she never liked the color or shorter length. It took one simple visit to correct the length and her tooth color.
This patient never liked the space around her lower canine and finally decided to have it closed with bonded composite, which was accomplished in one short visit.